Getting Started

To get the most out of a soil, plant tissue, water or fertiliser test, it is important to collect the sample correctly. The following are brief points for collecting samples. Please click on the links for further information and submission forms.

For Soil sampling, a stainless steel sampler or PVC pipe is required to pull soil cores. The soil depth is set to match the depth of the feeder roots. 20-30 cores should be collected representing a particular area (uniform in terms of colour/texture, land use, topography, fertiliser history). Cores should be mixed thoroughly to make one homogenous sample. Place 300g (if you require pesticides or biohazard tests we require a minimum of 600g) in a sealable plastic bag (a brand new zip-lock lunch bag is ideal), fill out the soil submission form and post in an express bag the day of sampling.

For Plant sampling, please take care of the following: Samping before 10am is preferred; Avoid including leaves that are contaminated with soil; Avoid sampling leaves after flowering or after shoot growth has stopped, unless the particular crop has a specific time requirement (e.g.vines at 75% flowering); Use clean disposable gloves; place material in a paper bag (a brand new paper sandwich bag is ideal), fill out the plant submission form and post in an express bag the day of sampling.

For Water sampling, it is preferable to use a sterilised glass container (to sterilise boil in water for 10 mins including the lid). If you are taking a sample from a tap, run the water for a couple of minutes before collecting the sample. For a dam sample water as far away from side as possible. Ensure container is filled to the top, seal the lid, check that it does not leak and secure the lid with strong packing tape. Fill out the water submission form and post in an express bag the day of sampling.

For Fertiliser/ Compost / Gypsum / Lime or Dolomite sampling, you are looking for a representative average. Ensure you use a stainless steel sampler or PVC pipe taking many samples from middle, sides etc of the pile dropping into a clean plastic bucket. Samples should be mixed thoroughly  to make one homogenous sample. Place 300g (if you require pesticides or bio-hazard tests we require a minimum of 600g) in a sealable plastic bag (a brand new zip-lock lunch bag is ideal), fill out the submission form and post in an express bag the day of sampling.

If you still have questions in regards to collecting samples, posting samples to us and payment please contact us.